Saturday, June 27, 2015

Herping Near Home

     In the afternoon of June 17th, I had some free time since it was the last day of school, and we had a half day.  I decided to go to a spot near home to look for snakes with my friend.  It was a little bit cooler that day and we had already caught an Eastern Garter Snake in the woods behind our house, so we figured it would be a pretty good day for snakes.  We arrived at the trail leading to the spot we were heading to, so we began down.  About twenty seconds in, and thirty feet down the trail, my friend spotted a juvenile Eastern Milk Snake making his way across the path.  He was tiny, about six inches long, and beautifully colored.  I spent a lot of time photographing this guy because the only other one I caught two years ago, I was unable to photograph.  After a long time photographing and just hanging out with the snake, we let him go right where he was headed towards in the grass.  Once we got to the main spot, the last thing that we flipped uncovered a large Eastern Garter Snake.  He very quickly disappeared into the grass, so we put the board down and headed home.

Eastern Milk Snake

Eastern Milk Snake

Eastern Milk Snake

Eastern Milk Snake

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