Saturday, June 27, 2015

Birding the Pole Farm

     On May 30th and June 9th, my mom and I went to the Pole Farm in New Jersey.  We went in hopes to get the reported Bobolinks, Eastern Meadowlarks, Grasshopper Sparrows, and Blue Grosbeak.  We did very well, and between the two trips we got all of our target birds.  The Bobolinks were the first specie of the four that we came across.  Some were being very cooperative and landing in the high grass very close to the trail.  The Meadowlarks were also very numerous, but not coming close at all.  The Grasshopper Sparrows were a nice treat, and likely breeding in the area that we found them.  However, we only observed one pair.  Lastly, the Blue Grosbeak just happened to land in one dead tree as we were coming out and then quickly flew back into the grasses.
Field Sparrow with Meal

Grasshopper Sparrow



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