Friday, May 8, 2015

Amphibian Migration

  Throughout March 29th to April 2nd, I was constantly out searching for frogs and salamanders in or around nearby vernal pools.  In the first location, Wood Frog breeding was at its peak.  In one vernal pool only, there were about 75-100 Wood Frogs calling and chasing each other around the vernal.  There were also many egg masses visible in the vernal pools.
Wood Frog Egg Mass

Wood Frog

Wood Frog Calling
     At the second location, the one major vernal pool was exploding with Wood Frogs, Northern Spring Peepers, and Spotted Salamanders, there were also many Eastern Red-backed Salamanders and Northern Two-lined Salamanders around the vernal pools.  I had been to this location before and caught many small Spotted Salamanders, but never any large adults.  I was very eager to catch one, and with luck, I flipped three back-to-back-to-back.
Adult Spotted Salamander

Northern Spring Peeper

Northern Spring Peeper

Northern Spring Peeper

Northern Spring Peeper


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