Sunday, June 9, 2013

Belleplain, NJ

On Saturday, 6/8/13, there was a birding field trip to Belleplain State Park in southern New Jersey.  Mainly the only thing we could hear were 17 year cicadas, but we did see a lot of great birds.  We did not only see good birds, we also saw good reptiles. 

These two birds, a Hooded Warbler and a White-eyed Vireo, were very exciting to see because they came very close and they are two beautiful birds.  The vireo was seen first while we were watching a Painted Turtle lay eggs.  We heard it first and then I set out to find it.  It was not far off of the trail, so I got some good looks of it.

This pair of bluebirds were very active building their nest at the Belleplain State Park visitor center. 

This is a very bad shot of a lifer Mississippi Kite flyover at the visitor center.  There was a large group of about ten that flew over probably following the cicadas up north.  The ones that I saw were all immature birds. 

There were not just good birds on this trip but also very good reptiles.  This lifer Spotted Turtle was a very exciting rare animal on the trip.

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