Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Migration is Finally Here

This adult male Yellow-rumped Warbler is a more common warbler migrant.  The warblers were late this year, not seeing one until the very end of April.  The vireos, flycatchers, tanagers, orioles and gnatcatchers came right with them though. 

This Blue-grey Gnatcatcher was one of the couple migrants that came on time this year.  They are very tiny slender birds that I have even confused with a cicada! 

This lifer Yellow-billed Cuckoo also came on time.  Our group observed him during the migratory bird count on May 10th this year.  We heard him about thirty minutes before we saw him.  He was towards the top of the tree eating tent worms out of their nest visible in the picture to the cuckoo's right.  He would pick one out, toss it up and swallow it whole.

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