Friday, December 5, 2014

Herping around Home

     On the last day of summer break (9/1/14) I headed to one of my favorite herping places in Bucks County to end with a bang.  I went to a spot that I had known from being there before was very good for Spotted Salamanders.  As soon as I got there, the first rock I flipped turned up a beautiful juvenile Spotted Salamander about 3 1/2 inches long.  I was very happy to have seen it because I had caught it and recorded it's measurements just over half of a month earlier in the summer under the same rock. 
Spotted Salamander

Spotted Salamander
     After retaking its measurements and taking many photos of the first Spotted Salamander, I continued on the path flipping all of the boards, fallen logs, rocks, and other debris I saw.  It was a little while until I flipped the next Spotted Salamander, however I got two under one board. 
Spotted Salamander
     After recording this one and taking photos of it, I headed back toward the parking lot still flipping everything I saw.  On the way back I flipped two Eastern Red backed Salamanders and one more Spotted Salamander.  I also saw a few Green Frogs and Wood Frogs hopping along the trail.  Although there was very little variety, it was still very nice to have seen all of those Spotted Salamanders.

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